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Looking for a Workshop or Seminar for Your Project or Organization?

John Lord and his Associates offer a variety of consultation and training opportunities.


    John Lord was a founder, and director for more than ten years (1982-1994) of the Centre for Research & Education in Human Services in Kitchener, where he and his colleagues pioneered participatory action research approaches in human services.  Over the last twenty-five years, John has been involved in a wide range of research and evaluation projects in community supports that enhance inclusion and citizenship.  Much of his research contributes to understanding the "bridges" or “transformation” needed to move from dependence to independence, from institutions to community, from rehabilitation to independent living, and from powerlessness to empowerment.  John's research is grounded in the lives and personal experience of vulnerable citizens.  His own life is a rich example of living with issues of vulnerability - he is a parent of a child with a disability, he works in partnership with people with disabilities in all his work, and he is deeply committed to social change which enhances inclusive communities and full citizenship for all.  John has assisted numerous organizations and projects "shift their thinking and acting" toward citizen driven approaches, individualized support and funding, and community participation.


John Lord and his associates also offer research support in several areas. 

For further information, contact John




Building the "New Story"

The Power of Facilitation

Building Genuine Partnerships


Power, Participation and Social Supports







building the new story: 

Person-Directed Planning, Network development, and Individualized Funding


There is a gradual awareness that most existing approaches to supporting vulnerable citizens are not working very well. Across Canada, many groups are exploring what John calls the New Story. There is a gradual shift from agency driven supports to person-directed planning, network development, and individualized funding. This seminar or workshop highlights the New Story and the elements that need to be in place for more personalized supports to be a reality. John Lord was the chair of the Ontario Round Table on Individualized Funding, and brings years of experience with these issues. This workshop also shows how person-directed planning, network development, and individualized funding link together to build capacity of individuals, families, and communities. Issues of accountability, role of facilitation, independent planning, and policy development can also be explored.



Training Workshops for Facilitators


In recent years, John Lord and his associates have been involved in training facilitators.  This is very exciting work because it brings together insights from years of facilitating with the New Story ideas of independent planning and network development.  Two levels of workshops have been created, the first designed for new facilitators and the second for facilitators with some years in the field.  This training works best when it is combined with ongoing "coaching" so that skills being practiced can get regular feedback and support.  Facilitation training within the New Story is based on a clear set of values and principles, emphasizes group process and community, and creates space for deep listening and dialogue.  Facilitators learn how to facilitate the development of a person-directed plan and how to build hospitality and commitment with a network of people.    



Potential, Principles and Problems


Increasingly, partnerships are being initiated by governments, human service agencies, and consumer groups. Partnerships between disadvantaged partners and more powerful partners are not simple!  It takes time and commitment to build contexts which "honour differences" and "find common ground." John Lord has worked in numerous partnership projects, and has designed questions and strategies to raise consciousness about power relations and processes that influence the outcomes of partnerships. In this seminar, participants get a chance to better understand "partnership shock," which often interferes with effective collaborative projects. Principles from effective working partnerships will be shared, and participants will dialogue about their own partnerships and learn ways to resolve some of their issues.



Building Community, Enhancing Health


Many people who are vulnerable experience many of the indicators associated with poor health - powerlessness, unemployment, social isolation, and poverty. In this seminar, John Lord reviews the new research on determinants of health and its implications. He shows how these determinants are all inter-related, and together create a new paradigm of "community.” Some of the lessons from families and communities that have experience a shift in power and control are explored. The importance of "social networks and social support" are also outlined, and strategies for network building are discussed. Finally, John outlines the importance of looking more broadly at our communities and their resilience. Participants in this seminar will have opportunities to reflect on their own lives and the and the capacities of their communities. 



Lessons and Strategies for Change


Governments are currently downsizing or closing large institutions in a variety of sectors: mental health, rehabilitation, and developmental disabilities. Much deinstitutionalization in Canada and the USA has had disastrous outcomes for residents and their families. Fortunately, there have also been some promising examples of how to do it right. John Lord has been a leader in Canada in documenting and facilitating deinstitutionalization. In this seminar, John outlines some of the lessons and strategies which need to be implemented to ensure that deinstitutionalization includes consumer choice, family participation, individualized planning, and community involvement.  John also provides consultation and facilitation to governments and facilities that are in the process of creating change.

